
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022

U 6 PEP 5

  WARM UP  Make a question to your classmates using the phrase you get                                                                                                                 "Save money and money will save you" "You must spend money to save money" Which of those two phrases do you prefer? Mention why.  Discuss: What are your  habits when it comes to saving money?  Is it important for you to save up some money every month? Explain What do you usually save money for?   Take a look at THIS image and analyze it with classmates.  Discuss:  Which country saves the most? What do they save for?   Let's take a look in the book to see what some ...

U 12 PEP 4

  WELL-BEING Watch the following video with your classmates and discuss the different questions.   Rank the following areas of well-being.  1 being the one you prioritize the most, 5 being the one you prioritize the least. SLEEPING | EATING | EXERCISING | SOCIALIZING | MEDITATING    Discuss: Explain the reasoning behind the ranking you did before.  How important is it to have a good sleeping schedule?  Why is the speaker talking about sleeping if her main focus is business?  Do you usually have a good sleep at night? How do you feel like when you don't sleep well?   Vocabulary In a small paragraph, give your own definition of well-being to your classmates. Make sure to include at least 5 of these words/phrases.    Practice Make a 5-step guide to be healthy every day.  The idea is that, if one follows those 5 steps, one will be healthier each day. Include vocabulary words Explain to your classmates your...