PEP 9 pt I
Watch the following video
Answer the questions that pop up.
In the video they mention how several devices and home appliances help us to progress.
Let's say that there's a new law that requires people to have only 10 devices and appliances per home.
Which ones would you choose? Defend your choices to your classmates.
Ps: cellphones and computers also count.
The infographic from page 56 shows pieces of information from the year 2011.
Do a quick google search, see how many updates of information can be found on the web.
Be ready to share.
Skim these articles and find out if they are sustaining enough evidence or if they could be biased with hearsay.
Discuss them what factors make them reliable (or non-reliable) information.
Use the expressions on page 60 of your book.
Main Activity
Check out the headlines from page 57.
Complete them and prepare to deliver a 4-minute piece of news about it.
You have to research information to complete the news and present it to the class.
You should write a brief of the news on the collaborations page.
Skills to use:
-Passive voice forms
-Presentation of statistics (page 55, 10 and 11)
U 6
- Practical Design -
Watch the video the teacher assigns to you. Explain to your classmates, in brief, what you watched.
Write down at least 3 new/interesting vocabulary words.
One of your classmates will bring a project to build bamboo homes to Costa Rica.
Role 1:
Project Promoter: talk about where you want to bring the project to, talk about its advantages, price, etc
Role 2:
Architect, owner of a company: you could be interested, but you have several questions about it. Make sure to ask them all.
Role 3:
Representant of local government (devil's advocate): you will challenge every point coming from the project promoter. You will make sure to ask every single question and find the devil in the details.
Take a look at these ideas of DIY
Click on the icon to see it.
Do a quick google search about:
-Advantages and disadvantages of DIY
-Why people do DIY projects
-How people manage to do DIY projects
Then, discuss with your classmates:
What are some advantages and disadvantages of DIY?
Why do people do DIY projects instead of having a professional do it?
Are you interested on doing DIY projects? Have you ever done any?
Grammar Challenge
You will debate about the following premise:
People should participate in DIY projects.
In favor:
You will build arguments around the idea that people should participate in DIY projects. Present evidence to support the benefits of doing such projects. Search for data that will support your claim.
You will build arguments around the idea that people should not participate in DIY projects. Present evidence to support the cons of doing such projects. Search for data that will support your claim.
You will formulate questions, lead the debate, and control the participation time of each side of the debate.
each round will take from 1 minute to 1:30.
1. Side A presents initial arguments
2. Side B presents initial arguments
3. Moderator asks 1 question to each side.
4. Side A answers
5. Side B answers
6. Moderator asks each team to formulate question to opposite side
7. Both sides answer
What are some skills needed to do the job you do nowadays?
Make a list of all of those abilities needed to do the job you do now.
Be ready to share some with the class.
Main Activity
Create an infographic that gives tips to excell in job interviews.
Then, pretend you are training your classmates to succeed at job interviews.
At the end, we'll choose which infographic and explanation would help more people and would benefit them if they read it.
U 7
Let's watch the first 2 minutes of the ted talk.
Think about the media you consumed as a child (books, movies, tv shows, magazines), how identified did you feel with what you saw?
Did you have a similar experience to that of the speaker of the TED talk?
Go to collaborations and work on your opinion column.
Main Activity
Forum about cultural assumptions, prejudice, and equality
St A: you will be in charge of assumptions people make about cultures. Gather as much information as possible, and give examples. Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Cite authors as well.
St B: you will be in charge of prejudice. Give a definition of it. Talk about how it can affect people from other cultures. Gather as much information as possible, and give examples. Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Cite authors as well.
St C: you will state the importance of equality (specially when talking about culture). You will present whether we have achieved equality as a society or not. Gather as much information as possible, and give examples. Use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Cite authors as well.
After each student has presented his/her views, we will have a discussion section.
Each of you has to:
-ask at least two questions
- comment on another classmate's view
- challenge someone's point of view
You will be sent to breakout rooms.
Try to solve the maze. Come back and let us know about the road you took.
Grammar Clue
Main Activity
You will record a mini podcast about your way of doing any of these activities:
- Being an early bird or a night owl
- Eating a powerful, heavy breakfast vs eating a powerful, heavy lunch
- Exercising in the morning vs in the afternoons
- Relaxing staying in vs going out
In your podcast, you will include some information you learned, and also some information from research you did. The idea is that you can teach the class something new.
Include the vocabulary words.
Begin and finish your podcast in a strong way.
Less is more
Find here some quotations related with the idea of "less is more". Choose one quotation and explain why you like it.
Do you agree with what these quotations say? Why?
Click HERE to find expressions to use instead of "I think".
U 8
Food and Sustainability
Watch the video. Follow the instructions with your classmates.
Work on each slide to find some vocabulary words.
Click HERE
Main Activity
Investigate one sustainable food production alternative that:
-Doesn't affect the ecosystems
-Doesn't contaminate water or air
-Can be applied in our country
-Is realistic and feasible
Then, come back and be ready to sell that idea to your classmates.
Make sure to present it as if it is a TED talk.
Should there be a difference between the amount of calories of men and women?
Why are the amount of calories on each so country different?
Are people from different countries able to acces the same food?
Grammar Clue
Other modal phrases:
Main Activity
Each of you will present two pieces of news.
You have to build yourself a script, do some research about the background and context of the topic, and be ready to present as a true news anchor.
You have to include the grammar studied (modals for different uses)
Watch THIS video to get more info on how to present.
Try to include some visual aids with your presentation of the news.
Read the quotations about sustainability.
Choose one that you truly support, and choose one that you disagree with. Justify your options.
Main Activity
You will become a foodie that gives recommendations about places.
Give a recommendation about a restaurant and area that you recommend in our country.
Try to recommend a place that:
-Is sustainable
-Is local
-Has different food options
Include vocabulary from the reading, words with -able / -ible, and the expressions from page 92.
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