Getting around
Solve the jigsaw puzzle assigned.
Vocabulary to solve jigsaw puzzles:
-The one in the (far) right/left
-That is a corner/edge/side piece
-Move it to the top/bottom/side
-Put it next to...
Then, discuss:
Which means of transportation did you see in the jigsaw puzzles?
Do you use any of those in your daily commute to get to your destinations?
Which means of transportation that you know of weren't included in the images? Mention a many as you can and describe them.
Talk about them in terms of type (air, ground, water, etc), fuel use, number of passengers,
This video will introduce the first goal and the vocabulary words. Answer the questions that pop up as you watch.
Let's work on page 9 and 10 of your book.
Build similar words from the ones you already have.
I have to stop tot he gas station to get some fuel.
The car has been fueled at full capacity.
With your classmates, think of different possibilites for the words on pages 9-10 (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs)
Talk about your prefered means of transportation.
Use the vocabulary words.
Traveling in aircrafts requires a very different protocol than traveling by car or bus.
With your classmates, complete the travel guide HERE with your own ideas.
Analyze the travel guide.
What is the difference between saying:
Everyone must respect the airport's travel policies.
The airport's travel policies must be respected by everyone.
Watch the following video to learn about a new way of moving around, discuss the questions:
To talk about public transportation, you will need some vocabulary words.
Unscramble these words and ask a question to your classmates about their transportation choices and public transportation in your city.
How would you explain a person that is not from your province the basic guide to get around in your city?
Explain every detail to your classmates when they ask you questions; include transportation alternatives, how to acces to them, food areas, touristic places, etc.
Work in groups.
St A: Do you know how I can get to the city's downtown?
St B: Sure thing! You have to get to the bus station. If you want to, I can send you the adress.
St A: Great! Thanks. Also, can you tell me where I can get some food?
ST B: oh, that depends on what you want to eat. Here I have some options...
ST A: Travel Agency Worker
Prepare three possible destinations to offer to your customers. This destinations should be in Costa Rica, and they should be three different experiences. Make sure to include what they can do there, sightseeing they can do, food choices, and hotels. Tell them your options and let them choose.
Include grammar and vocabulary.
ST B: Tourist (s)
You will ask for what experiences you can have in Costa Rica. Prepare as many questions as possible (many of these should be indirect questions). Ask about the experience, the transportation, food choices, and hotels. Be ready to evaluate your choices and select the best one for you.
Include grammar and vocabulary.
Have you ever rated a service online? Say a hote, a restaurant, a delivery service, etc.
Is it important to do so? Why?
What types of reviews are common to see online?
Think about the activity you did before about tourism and travel agencies.
Let's pretend that you already went on your vacation to Costa Rica and it is time for you to rate a place you visited here.
Go to your collaborations and find the document "Vacation Review" and choose to rate a service, hotel, or restaurant. Then be ready to tell your classmate(s) a about it.
U 8
In the time given, write down as many words related with sports as you can. Edit THIS slides.
Do you know anyone who practices a sport profesionally? What do they practice?
What can be the benefits of practicing a sport? Think about mental, social, and physical benefits
How can a person conquer their fears of failure when practicing a sport?
Have you ever attented big sport events before? Which ones? What was it like?
What are some of the most famous sports leagues in the world?
Has your favorite athlete or team ever become champion or win a championship? How did that make you feel?
Note: for every word you guess, think of a similar word that has a different meaning and word family.
Eg: win (v) -> winner (n)
Also, think of possible meaning for each word.
Answer any of the questions below. Spin the wheel and include the vocabulary word that you get while answering. Spin the wheel at least 5 times during your participation.
What is your favorite sport? Give thorough explanation.
If you could excell at any sport, which would it be?
What other sports would like to see having more popularity in CR?
Extra Vocabulary
Pay attention to the underlined words. Discuss which are correct or incorrect.
Anna: Hey! I'm thinking about practicing a new sport. What do you recommend?
Jack: Maybe you can do baseball. It's a team sport.
Anna: Mmm, If it is a team sport, I would like to play some soccer.
Jack: Soccer sounds great. My sister plays soccer in our college team.
Anna: Oh, yes, you're right. Hey, but you play karate, don't you?
Jack: I do! You could try it if you want to. Individual sports are also awesome.
Anna: Yes, for sure. Do you practice any other individual sports?
Jack: I sometimes go swimming or running too.
Anna: Oh, that's it! I'd love to do swimming and try that out.
Jack: Sure! Let's do it next weekend.
Anna: it's a date then.
Grammar Challenge
How would you complete the blank spaces in these questions?
Think about possibilities for it.
Main Activity
Propose a sports club to open in class. Choose the sport that you will practice.
Each of you will have a role to present the sports club.
ST A: professional athlete of this sport
St B: trainer for this sport
St C: a beginner practicing this sport
- The skills needed to practice this
- If there is a special age or physical feature needed
- What implements are needed
- Any other special information needed for the clubPresent the sport to your classmates and invite them to join. Let's see how many classmates participate in it.
Sports Skills
What skills does an athlete need? List as many as you can.
What aspects could influence the skills of a sportsperson? Consider gender, age, body, etc.
Mention which type of person you think would be better for different sports.
Grammar Challenge
To play taboo, you have avoid mentioning the words that are in the card.
Open the activity from the letter given to you.
Create a survey to interview your classmates
Create a 4-6 question survey to interview your classmates to see which sport could match with them. Consider tem and individual sports.
At the end of the survey, give them 2 options of sports that could try out.
Give them a brief comparison between both sports.
Tips for making a survey:
-Choose yes/no and open-ended questions (preferably these ones)
-Make concise questions
-Take notes of the answers
-Take a second to analyze and give a conclusion
At the end, suggest the two sports to the classmate and give them a brief comparison between them.
u 9
Describe to your classmates what you see on the image you got. Let's see if they guess what activity it is.
Then discuss:
Would you like to do an activity like that in the image?
What do you think about dangereous activities? Are you attracted by them?
What are you most afraid of? HERE
Discuss that with classmates in BOR and then post your fears and phobias in the link HERE .
To expand your language, you can find some phobias IMAGE.
Go back to the fears and phobias you posted before and discuss the following:
1. Are there phobias related with having an injury or accident? Which ones can you mention? Are there any in the jamboard slide?
2. What can be the reaction of a person who is claustrophobic and ends up trapped in a place? How can they be helped?
3. Which phobias could actually harm a person? Find some of them in the jamboard.
4. Do you usually avoid things that make you feel afraid? Or do you face them to get over the fear?
5. Do you have a drive for risky situations? Or do you prefer to feel safe at all times?
6. Do you know someone who has a phobia to sharp objects? Are there any fears or phobias in the jamboard related with that?
Find the adjective and verb forms of some vocabulary words. Click HERE.
Answer the question:
How can someone bear down their phobias?
Bear down (phr verb): overcome, cope with
Answer that question with classmates in break out rooms.
Take notes of these two things:
1. The tips and recommendations classmates mention.
2. Number how many vocabulary words they use.
Grammar Challenge
Pay attention to this situation. Analyze the questions the shark and the swimmer are asking to each other.
Then, following the same grammar, complete the blank spaces with your group in BOR:
Take a look at this image.
1. Which of these jobs would you like to have? Why?
2. Why are their listed among the most dangerous ones?
3. Mention other professions that are dangerous.
Main Activity:
How can someone overcome fears?
We will have a supporting group in class about fears and phobias.
Step 1:
You will become an expert on the topic to help your classmates get a grip of their fears.
The teacher will give you a number. Analyze the information given and learn as much as possible to help classmates out.
Then, present your worst fear or phobia to your classmates and ask for their help on how to overcome it. Let them give you all the advice possible to overcome that fear. Discuss with them the advice given and find out if that can help you to bear down the fear.
Include grammar and vocabulary from the class.
Which has been the worst injury/accident you have had?
Mention all the details to your classmates.
Do the listening activity to find out examples of common injuries.
Develop a class dictionary of the injuries assigned to you.
Access to the document HERE.
Grammar Clue
Click HERE for extra practice
Interview classmates about the accidents they have had.
Use the grammar and vocabulary.
Access to the document HERE.
You are paramedics and you will give the class an easy-to-follow guide to assit someone during a minor injury they might have.
If you want to, make a basic infographic that explains the basic steps to follow.
Example HERE
A spraint ankle
A bad cut in the hand
A bad burn
A broken leg/arm
Make sure to include vocabulary words, grammar, and use the speaking skill of giving instructions.
U 10
Let's find out your opinion about mysteries.
Rank these statements from 1 to 5, where 1 is that you think it is completely false and 5 that it is completely true.
1. What is a mystery that you have a lot of knowledge about?
2. Have you ever visited an ancient location? Which? What did you discovered?
3. If you could travel to the past, which civilization from the past would you like to visit?
4. Which is a theory that you have doubts about?
5. What is your speculation about some of the mysteries from the introductory activity?
These people are somehow involved in popular world-wide mysteries.
Choose one of them to interview. Prepare four questions using vocabulary words from the unit.
You will have the chance to interview them in a role play activity with another classmate.
St A: mystery expert
St B: interviewer
Click HERE to see the examples.
Grammar Clue
Listen to THESE sentences, write down what you hear.
Then, decide the level of certainty from 1 to 5.
How certain is what you heard?
1 5
Your teacher will assign you ONE of the mysterious artifacts from THIS website.
Prepare a description of it to your classmates including:
1. Grammar from the unit: Modals of speculation
2. Description of objects vocabulary (see Goal E)
Prepare individually for 5 minutes and then post a comment about the object your classmate described for you.
Investigate a case
Grammar Clue
U 11
Post a question HERE using the word the teacher gave you.
The questions must be related with the idea of technology and education.
THESE phrases could help you give your opinion and to continue the conversation.
The teacher will give you the same word you used before, but now you will a full explanation of the meaning of the word, and two derivations of it.
Word: expert (n)
Meaning: a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity.
Derivations: expert (adj), expertly (adv)
Metion whether you agree or disagree with these claims.
Use THESE phrases.
People are too pressured to have academic success.
Technology is essential to achieve goals related with education.
It is not necessary to attend to every single English class.
Technology influences negatively people's ability to concentrate.
Having confidence about something makes you feel motivated.
Having a university degree should not be the most important thing in a curriculum vitae.
Even people who are experts on a field can receive some training.
Make your own quotation about education and share it with the class.
It should be short and concise.
You will have a role discussion with some classmates. You will have opposing views in the discussion.
You MUST use vocabulary words, the right tone, and the expressions from HERE
Topics 1 and 2
Sts A: 1
Sts B: 2
Topics 3 and 4
Sts A: 3
Sts B: 4
Find topics HERE
NOTE: The participation of each person must last no less than 1:30 (it could take a little longer)
U 12
If you could define innovation with three words, which ones would you choose and why?
What is the most innovative invention you have seen?
You will watch a video about inventions.
St A:
St B:
After watching:
St and B will explain to each other what they watched and learned in their videos.
They will share any new words learned.
Take THIS quiz about modern inventions.
Let's see how many you know about.
Use these words to describe each invention:
You will come up with an invention that you think will be a game-changer. It can be something simple or something complex.
You will present the idea to an audience made of:
General Public
Present to them your idea and see what they think.
Follow instructions from Goal Check on Goal C.
Use the grammar and vocabulary
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