U 3
Project Management
Agree or Disagree? Read each statement and decide if you agree or disagree with it. Say why.
Functional language for agreeing/disagreeing here
1 A. Having a detailed schedule increases stress. It’s better to have a more relaxed approach to work.
1 B. The only way to do everything you need to do is to organise your life and have a detailed schedule – and follow it.
2 A. Everyone should have a personal budget. Controlling your money is the key to financial happiness.
2 B. It’s important to enjoy life and not to worry too much about how you spend your money.
3 A. Anticipating risks when managing a project is the right thing to do.
3 B. Managing risks as they come teaches you more than anticipating them.
This is the London Millenium Bridge. Do quick research on the web and find out what happened during the course of this project.
Ex 4, 5, 6, and 7 from book
Work on some do's and don'ts of project management.
Explain to your classmates what are those things we should/must do when managing a project, and which we should avoid.
Include vocabulary from exercise 5 and 6 (at least 10 words)
Grammar Reference
Main Activity
Student A, B, and C: you will present a product that your company offers (a cellphone, tablet, iPad, etc) and an internet plan. Present it as the best product ever, give its characteristics, and compare and contrast the product with other similar ones. Compare and contrast your phone plans as well. You are pitching these products to a company of insurance vendors.
Student D and E: you are customers looking to buy tech gadgets for your employees. Listen to the three offers, ask questions about the product and plan, ask about the similarities and differences. Make a decision at the end.
Include comparatives and superlatives
U 4
Global Markets
What's the meaning of the expression "one size fits all"?
Explain how this applies and it doesn't not apply to business.
Analyze the similarities and differences of:
A McDonald's restaurant in India vs in the US
A Starbucks in the US vs in Costa Rica
Liberty in CR vs in Panamá
Choose one option and discuss your reasoning
I prefer to buy online vs I prefer to go to the store
I prefer to shop on Amazon vs I prefer to find local stores
I buy my food through apps vs I go to the restaurant/store
I buy my tech gadgets online.
My tech gadgets are bought online
u 5
I would rather...
a. Eat in a restaurant where the waiter is a robot
b. Eat in a restaurant where a machine helps me choose my meal, pay for it, and get it.
c. Eat in a traditional restaurant
d. Eat in a restaurant where the kitchen is filled with technological innovations
Justify each of your decisions and discuss them with your classmates.
Take a look at these words and discuss their meaning:
Automated - Customise - Disrupt - Innovation - Interact - Magical
Stylish - Advanced - User-friendly - Top-of-the-range - Well-designed
Think about how they are related to:
1. The video we watched.
2. The idea of including technology in business like restaurants, stores, etc
Main Activity
Think about your favorite restaurant/store/clinic, etc. Think about every time you go there.
-Suggest at least 4 things that would improve their service (using technology and innovation)
-Explain why these ideas would improve their overall service.
-Include at least 6 vocabulary words from the ones studied.
-Share them with a classmate.
When using different verb tenses, regular verbs are much needed. Discuss with your classmates the pronunciation of the -ed sound in the following examples:
Explanation HERE
U 6
Safety at Work
What are some things you must do to stay safe at the office?
Do you recognize any of these symbols down below?
Take a look at these different places to work:
What kind of risks do the employees working there have? Mention some for each picture.
How can they protect themselves from those risks? What measures should they adopt?
Main Activity
Pick one of the spaces above.
Design a safety training to give to the employees involved. Research the best measures employees can take to avoid risks and accidents that could happen.
-Include at least 6 vocabulary words
-Include examples and scenarios
-Include general information about first-aid training
-Speak for at least 3 minutes
Think about when you go to any of these places:
-Shopping at the mall
-Withdraw money in an ATM
What security measures do you usually see?
Now, go back to these two places
Things you must not do when you are there
Things you must do when you are there
Things you don't need to do when you are there
Safety Training
You are in charge of giving a safety training. Choose your audience:
-Safety training for customers
-Safety training for employees working at stores
-Safety training for executives working at Liberty Headquarters in CR
Your safety training has to include examples of things to be careful with, possible scenarios, and behaviors to avoid doing.
Make sure to include the grammar (modals like must, must not, have to, need to, etc
U 8
Would you rather?
Communicate only through email or Communicate only through text messages
Have to yell in phone calls vs Having to whisper almost inaudibly
Have only a computer vs Have only a cellphone
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